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Go Natural on Food Supplements

Friday, December 2, 2011 12:52:00 AM Posted by Food Supplement
Have you ever wondered what food supplements you could use aside from those recommended by doctors. Most of the time doctors would recommend multivitamins as supplements for a diet and healthy body. They are usually sold in tablet form and pills and sometimes may cost a lot. But there are other natural food supplements that you could use as alternative to over the counter tablets and pills recommended by doctors.

When you want food supplements for your body, it means you want to have a healthy body and mind. You want to feel good that you are taking in vitamins or supplements that would make your body healthy and well.

Some of the natural food supplements are so common that you fail to notice them. They are just there in your regular diet and their use should be enough to supplement your dietary needs.

Vegetable, fruit milk shakes

Yes, fruits, vegetables milk shakes could be daily food supplements that you could use as alternative to vitamin tablets. There is so much energy and vitamins in these shakes that you could use them as a source supplement for your dietary needs. Example, mango and strawberry shakes has a lot of vitamin c that a glass of it could give you the daily doze of vitamin c that you need without having to take in a tablet or a pill. It is even very tasty that you would enjoy the delicious flavor and could custom make it to your palate's appetite.

Vegetable and fruit salad meals with twists

Salads are another way of spicing up your food supplement. Instead of taking in multivitamins in tablets, you could take your time preparing the salad of your choice. You would enjoy the fun of munching on the leaves of lettuce, the sweetness of carrots and potatoes and the fun of having to prepare your meal every time you want to and have to eat it. Your meal wouldn't have to be as dull as taking in a tablet and drinking water to have it swim into your stomach. It would be a simple adventure into your culinary talents in preparing your meal at the same time enjoying the deliciousness of the flavors combined.

Natural herbal tea and coffee

After a great meal, perhaps you could try coffee or tea. It has been proven that tea and coffee contain anti oxidants which will help you in having a healthy body and mind. Herbal teas also help in digestion. It could also be a tasty drink once mixed with other flavors. These would be wonderful after each meal, to chase away the tasty meals that you have had and give your body the aid to digest the food elements that you have eaten.

Daily doze of skim milk

Milk as a food supplement would be good at night. It is safe to drink cool or warm and could be a good aid to strengthen your bones and give you a good skin. Should you be uninterested with the taste of fresh milk, do not worry. Milk can be flavored with other tasty ingredient; such as fruits or vegetables and you could create your own flavor that you feel you would want to have for each day.

Look into your refrigerator and you just might find food that would be a good food supplement for your body. You do not need to buy expensive over the counter pills to supplement your body with the necessary nutrients it needs. All you need is a creative mind and an adventurous attitude towards the culinary science of mixing and matching your food to have it healthy and taste to your own needs and wants. Over the counter tablets of food supplements come from natural ingredients and those natural ingredients are just around the supermarket and your refrigerator. Use your creative genius in the kitchen and you would come up with tasty food supplements that does not cost as much and taste as bland as the tablets and pills.

By Mario SK Churchill

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