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New "Wave" in Whole Food Supplements - Have You Eaten Your Sea Vegetables Today?

Sunday, December 25, 2011 1:39:00 AM Posted by Food Supplement
You've probably noticed the huge movement in the nutrition and supplementation fields toward sea vegetation. It's nothing new of course. People have been eating seaweed and other sea vegetables for eons.

But if you dig around, you'll find that a push to eat your sea veggies is certainly on the rise, and your choices for different sea vegetation supplements are also increasing.

Personally, I've been taking sea vegetation supplements for the past 2 years and enjoy them very much. I've used 2 different kinds in particular and thought I'd share my thoughts with you on both in this brief review of sea vegetable supplements:

1)      Sea Veg(TM)
This is a great product, developed by Scott Kennedy. I've listened to Scott discuss this product himself and he certainly is passionate about it! He insists that his children, who were given his product while in utero and every day thereafter, have never been ill! While I enjoyed the product myself, I never had much luck getting my 3 children to use it. The recommended dose is 3 capsules daily. However, I have heard Scott recommend a much higher dose (off the record) which means you go through the product much more quickly than anticipated. A bottle doesn't really last a full month if you take it the way Scott encourages, making it a more expensive product to take.

My only other comment would be about the company that promotes this product for Scott. His product is promoted by ITV(TM). I've noticed that this company has not always been prompt with shipments and there were frequent billing mistakes; two headaches that I can do without.

2)      SeaAloe(TM)
Most currently my sea vegetation comes in liquid form from a company called SeaAloe(TM). Of course, after my sea veg(TM) experience, I was delighted to receive my order in just a few short days and with no billing errors. In fact, the company is very attentive and the customer service is excellent!

In my opinion, the best feature about this brand of sea vegetables is the fact that my children can easily use the product and they love it. It tastes great and they are eager to drink their ounce of sea vegetable supplements each day! This product also offers other terrific ingredients with valuable health benefits such as pau d' arco, cranberry and black cherry. Of course, aloe vera is also in the product and is known for its healing and soothing qualities.

I'm very pleased to have found a liquid form of sea vegetables to supplement my family's diet. I know we're getting a great whole-food product that is very bio available in a very easy to consume liquid. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who understands the incredible value of sea vegetation and wants to supplement their diet with an easy-to-use, family-friendly product from a top-notch company.

You were not made in a laboratory. Your supplements shouldn't be either.

By Kelly Araneda

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