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Hair Loss - Women and Vitamin Deficiency

By Jean Helmet

One of the things women need to be aware of is their nutrition. Vitamins are essential tools in caring for your body. In proper balance, vitamins help keep the body in as a healthy a state as possible. Not having enough of certain vitamins can cause any number of health conditions including hair loss. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency is a bad connection.

Vitamins for Hair Health

Vitamin A is stored in the liver. If too much is consumed, the excess will be stored in other parts of the body. This could cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, lethargy, headaches and hair loss. Too little vitamin A can cause coarse hair and dry skin. Food sources of vitamin A include cabbage, apricots, carrots, peaches, eggs, milk, cheese, and even fish liver oil.

Vitamin E is important in hair loss. Vitamin E is said to be helpful in preventing the loss of hair and in stalling the process of hair going gray. Food sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, seeds, dried beans, nuts, and spinach to name a few. Your blood pressure could rise when taking vitamin E so it suggested that if you have high blood pressure that you talk to your doctor before taking vitamin E.

Inositol is a B vitamin found in citrus fruits, whole grains, liver, and in yeast. An inositol deficiency can not only cause hair loss, but eczema as well. It is important in keeping the scalp and hair healthy. As an added benefit, it has also been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin H is also known as Biotin. Like vitamin E, it helps to prevent hair loss and the graying of hair. Biotin is found in food sources such as egg yolk, kidney, liver, yeast, and milk. It may also be of benefit in nail health and skin health.

Vitamin B group vitamins related to hair loss are B3, B5, and B12. Vitamin B 3 is found in meats, fish, wheat germ and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B 5 is found in egg yolk, meats, and yeast. Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, white and sweet potatoes, as well as spinach.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables particularly citrus fruits and tomatoes are good sources of folic acid. Eating whole and fortified grain products and beans (lentils) are also sources of folic acid.

Consuming protein is also very good for keeping your hair healthy. Most people tend not to eat enough protein. It can be found in meat, fish, chicken, soy, and eggs. At least one serving per day should be eaten.

There are trace minerals that can benefit your hair such as zinc. It is helpful to take a multivitamin that also contains such trace minerals. The Daily Recommended Allowance is listed on the label.

Deficiencies of these vitamins and minerals can cause a multitude of health conditions. This includes hair loss. This can be prevented by taking the proper amount and eating a healthy diet. On the other hand, consuming too high a dose of them can also cause health conditions. Your doctor or a nutritionist can help you to decide what the proper amount for your needs is appropriate.


Vitamins as well as trace minerals are an integral part of maintaining healthy hair. Hair loss, women, and vitamin deficiency are preventable with the intake of the proper amounts of vitamins as well as some trace minerals. A healthy diet may not provide the daily recommended allowance and it is advised that you should take a multivitamin supplement. Some types of hair loss can be prevented; others can be treated.

Insomnia Vitamin Deficiency - How Using Some Simple Insomnia Remedies Can Resolve This Problem Fast

By Frank D. Miller

Almost everyone experiences insomnia or sleeplessness at some point of time in their lives. Sleep disorders can be due to mental or physical reason, but to find insomnia remedies it is very necessary to find the exact reason behind it. Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is one of most commonly occurring ailments that can lead to severe mental and physical abnormalities if left untreated. One important reason why some individuals suffer with insomnia is Insomnia vitamin deficiency.

Vitamins and minerals form an integral part of the human diet. These are chemicals that are very much essential so as to ensure normal functioning of each and every protein or enzyme. These vitamins also play a phenomenal role in regulating neurological disorders and sleep-related anomalies. Therefore, any deficiency of these vital nutrients in the daily diet for a prolonged period of time can lead to insomnia.

Interestingly, insomnia vitamin deficiency is one of the most common causes of insomnia in teenagers and is completely curable at home itself. Here are a few of the time tested home remedies for insomnia:

* The best cure for insomnia vitamin deficiency is to consume foods that are rich in vitamins. Some important sources include fresh vegetables such as spinach, carrot, beet, broccoli, cabbage, and green peas and fruits such as oranges, mango, pomegranate, pineapple and banana.
* Ensure that your diet contains foods that are rich in B6 (found in egg yolk, grains, seeds, and yeast), B12 (found in walnuts, banana, tuna, peanuts, sunflower), and B5 (found in liver, fish, and milk). All these vitamins help in curing insomnia.
* Another important vitamin that reduces symptoms of insomnia vitamin deficiency is Folic Acid that is present in foods such as orange juice, leafy green vegetables, cereals, and beans
* Vitamin E present in oils and sea foods reduces the concentration of antioxidants in the body, thereby decreasing stress.
* A table spoon of honey with milk before going to bed is very helpful in getting a good night's sleep.

Apart from these, one must also ensure to have an environment that can induce sleep, refrain from stressful events, and adopt a physically active lifestyle that includes regular physical exercise. All these insomnia remedies help in relaxing the body and brain and prevent insomnia.

There are various insomnia remedies one should try and find out which one suits one's self best. The safest way is to follow a natural path and try some home remedies for insomnia as it has the least side effects. Change in dietary habits and changes in daily lifestyle can prove to be very helpful in fighting insomnia.

However, if the symptoms of insomnia are of severe or chronic type then medication might be needed. In this case, consultation with medical practitioner becomes necessary. Ensure that you have right doses of vitamins either in natural food forms or in medications as suggested by medical practitioner so that you get relieved of insomnia vitamin deficiency.

By keeping this information in mind, you should have a greater understanding of how to address any Insomnia Vitamin Deficiency you may have. In this regard, a little knowledge can go a long way towards getting you a good night's sleep.

Angular Cheilitis and Vitamin Deficiency

By Lewis Waller

In dealing with Angular Cheilitis, we need to understand that there are some connections between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency. For the most part, this isn't so much a relationship of cause and effect, but more of one feeding into the other's present state. That is to say, in the relationship between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, it isn't necessarily that this deficiency causes this condition, but that it can hinder the healing of it. When our immune systems chug away at the task of healing ourselves, such action consumes bodily resources, and we merely need to keep replenishing these vitamins in order for our immune systems to maintain a certain level of ability and strength.

There are mainly five major vitamins involved in this connection between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency; vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine), and Iron. While again, a deficiency in these vitamins are not the cause of this condition, it is reported that those who already suffer a deficiency in these vitamins before contracting Angular Cheilitis are more prone to suffering from it more seriously, with quicker advancements of the condition.

Realizing this connection between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, and arming ourselves with this data, we can see how it would be quite beneficial to keep aware of our vitamin intake, maintaining it either through supplements, through proper nutrition practices, or both. This is pretty much the relationship between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency in a nutshell. Those who suffer from this condition may benefit from eating foods or drinking juices that are rich with these vitamins, as this can help bolster their immune systems to help battle this condition, while allowing any treatments to do their work in an unhindered environment.

Understanding The Cause Of Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

By Irina Thorton

Until now the debate over hair loss vitamin deficiency has been raging. One side says that hair loss is not due to a lack of vitamins in the body. The other side says that losing your hair due to nutrient deficiency is very real. What is the truth about hair loss vitamin deficiency?

Hair Loss

Even the healthiest person can experience hair loss. This is because hair loss is often caused by heredity and the action of hormones. Some individuals actually have genes that make them sensitive to the hormone DHT. It is this hormone that eventually shrinks the hair follicles and causes hair loss. This doesn't mean though that there is no truth behind hair loss vitamin deficiency. In a way, being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could contribute to hair loss in people of all shapes, colors and sizes.

Hair Loss Vitamin Deficiency

Human hair is not an artificial attachment. It is very much a part of our bodies. Whatever we put inside our bodies will therefore either nourish or contribute to the diminished quality and quantity of our hair. It has been scientifically proven that eating meals that lack some vitamins and minerals can make you shed some hair strands.

People suspect that vitamin deficiency is caused by bad eating habits. Uncontrolled dieting, frequent fast food meals or not eating at all due to lack of time are only some of the modern conditions that can help promote hair loss vitamin deficiency.

Nutrients You Need

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet would, naturally though, decrease the chances of suffering from hair loss. This would mean cutting down on fat, eating only lean meat and increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Other than this common sense tip, you should also remember to ensure that you have enough of some specific vitamins and minerals to prevent hair loss vitamin deficiency. One examples of these anti hair loss vitamins are the B complex vitamins specifically vitamin B6. This vitamin is necessary for promoting healthy blood cells which are needed to distribute nutrients to the entire body, including the hair. B complex vitamins can be found in beans, poultry, milk, cabbage, oatmeal, nuts and spinach.

Aside from the B-complex group, you should also make sure that you have enough vitamin C, A, E and K. Other than vitamins, increase your intake of foods with magnesium and zinc too.

Because it is not always possible to get all these nutrients by food and diet alone, it is also advisable to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Other Hair Loss Cases

You may have another cause for hair loss if you are taking the right supplements and eating balanced diet but still having hair loss. Consider looking into other factors. It is possible that if hair loss does not run in your family, then it could be caused by stress, restrictive hairstyles or an autoimmune disorder.

Vitamin Deficiency

By Kristy Annely

Vitamins are essential for the growth and development of the human body. Vitamins are found in natural foods. A good diet virtually ensures an abundant supply of vitamins. Sometimes due to certain medical conditions, the body is deprived of certain vitamins, leading to a deficiency.

Vitamin A deficiency is a common disease in poorer parts of the world and causes night blindness. Vitamin A is found in fish, liver and green vegetables. Failure to consume sufficient quantities of meat, milk or milk products leads to a deficiency in Vitamin B12. This deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia and, if severe enough, can result in irreversible damage to the nerves, liver and intestinal tract. A person can experience hallucinations, memory loss, eye disorders and anemia.

Vitamin C, found in green vegetables, berries and citrus fruits, helps prevent infection, enhances immunology and can help prevent cancer. A lack of Vitamin C can cause anemia, bleeding gums, muscle degeneration and blood clots. A deficiency in Vitamin D affects the bones, heart, kidneys and the thyroid gland. Common symptoms are irregular heartbeat, Osteoporosis and brittle and fragile bones. Vitamin D also enhances the immune system.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, whole grains, spinach and milk. A deficiency may cause an enlargement of the prostate gland, gastrointestinal disease, impotency and decreased circulation. Vitamin E helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin K plays an important role in the formation of bones and blood clotting. It also converts glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver. A lack of Vitamin K leads to a low platelet count and poor blood clotting.

Folic acid is essential for the formation of red blood cells and is vital for normal growth and development. Folic acid is found in beans, beef, barley and chicken, amongst others. A deficiency of folic acid causes depression, anxiety and birth defects in pregnant women.

Vitamin deficiency can treated by recommending dietary regulations, oral supplements, or by injections. Oral supplements are useful for those unable to consume food rich in vitamins. Injections are useful for persons with diseases that prevent absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

A Vitamin Deficiency You Never Thought You Had!

By Audrey Frederick

If you are like me, you feel that you take reasonably good care of your health and diet. I take a handful of vitamins every day and eat what I consider a good balanced diet. I have very few medical problems, the most serious being, high blood pressure, which is well under control. So why did I end up in an ambulance heading to the hospital?

It was a Saturday morning, I was not feeling up to par, managed to pass out, get the dry heaves, feel a strange pain in my chest and started shaking. A hurried call to 911 by my husband brought the paramedics and I was off to the hospital.

Many tests later, showed I had no vitamin B12 in my system and that I was extremely low in potassium, this information left me wondering, how could that have happened?

After a pleasant day and a half stay in the hospital, I came home and decided to do some research on Vitamin B12 and why we need it. The information was amazing and I feel it is important enough to pass on.

It is hard to believe, but according to recent studies, more than 25 percent of the American population is Vitamin B12 deficient. The deficiency in itself can lead to Alzheimer's disease, depression, bipolar disorders and many of the mystery pains we have, along with short-term memory loss.

What is Vitamin B12 and what does it do?

* Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) is an oxygen carrier, it decreases blood cholesterol, metabolizes fat and is necessary for healthy nerve tissues.
* It is a water-soluble vitamin needed for nerve cell activity and for DNA replication.
* Vitamin B12 is a cobalt compound that occurs in the liver and is essential for blood formation, neural function and growth.
* Vitamin B12 supports positive mood function and is often used as in anti-depression therapy.
* It helps maintain a healthy nervous system, increases energy, improves short-term memory, concentration and physical balance.
* Vitamin B12 helps the body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats and is used to treat pernicious anemia.
* Folic acid along with Vitamin B12 will correct anemia and will help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Who needs Vitamin B12?

* The interesting thing is, the lack of vitamin B12 can happen to any one of us, it can happen in the womb and by the time a baby is born, it already has development problems, that will not be noticed until later.
* Young adults may be at greater risk than thought of in earlier research; however, if they eat cereal fortified with Vitamin B12, at least 4 times a week, they appear to be protected from a deficiency.
* People with pernicious anemia, a condition that happens when there is insufficient hemoglobin in the red blood cells, to carry oxygen to the cells and tissues. Vitamin B12 along with folic acid, B6 and iron are needed to help improve the condition. Most people with pernicious anemia need to get injections of Vitamin B12 on a regular basis.
* Individuals with stomach and small intestine disorders may be unable to absorb Vitamin B12 from food. There are several diseases that can cause this problem such as celiac disease, which is a genetic disorder. People with CD have intolerance to a protein called gluten and must be on a gluten-free diet. Crohn's disease, which is an inflammatory bowel disease, causes nutrient malabsorption requiring routine medical care.
* Older adults, those aged 50 and up, comprise about 30 percent who may have what is known as Atrophic gastritis, which is an inflammation of the stomach. This condition decreases the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which decreases the amount of Vitamin B12 that is separated from the proteins in the food and absorbed into the body. Vitamin supplements and food fortified with Vitamin B 12 are the best sources of the vitamin for these people.
* Vegetarians are a greater risk for developing a vitamin B12 deficiency, as the vitamin comes meat and meat products. Strict vegetarians and vegans are the ones at greatest risk. It is interesting, as my daughter works at an Arts College that has many true vegans attending and there is not a day that goes by that several students faint, which is a sign that they are low or deficient in vitamin B12. It may take years for the deficiency to show up, but it will.

It is very important that mothers who are strict vegans consult their pediatricians regarding their babies. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 in an infant can result in permanent neurological damage.

Is there a health risk of taking too much vitamin B12?
According to the Institute of the National Academies there are not any established rules for this vitamin, since it has very low potential for toxicity. The Institute states that there is no adverse reaction for healthy individuals, taking excessive doses of B12 from food or from supplements. They also recommend that adults over 50 years of age get their vitamin B12 from supplements and from food fortified with the vitamin. A recommend dosage per day is approximately 1,000 mcg (that is micrograms and not milligrams.)

What causes a vitamin B12 deficiency?

Poor nutrition can cause some to people suffer from this deficiency, the B12 vitamin is found in meats and dairy product and is not found most plant foods. People who are on a tea and toast diet, such as the elderly, will suffer from a deficiency. Chronic alcoholics that pay little attention to their nutritional needs and vegans, who eat absolutely no animal products what so ever, will also be deficient in the B12 vitamin.

Malabsorption is another primary cause for a deficiency in B12. Such problems as pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, ulcers and acid reflux disease can cause problems. Medications such as Nexium and Prevacid will deplete your body of vitamin B12 over time.

Chronic disorders such as peptic ulcers, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, along with patients who have had a history of intestinal surgeries and small bowel infestations of tapeworm or other intestinal parasites will have deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is taken into the stomach and is treated by an enzyme which the stomach cells secrete to make it more absorbable in the lower intestine. If you are lacking the enzyme or hydrochloric acid (as many people do, from middle age on) you cannot absorb enough of the vitamin B12. At this point it is necessary to take supplements and/or get the vitamin B12 shots on a daily/weekly or monthly basis.

Now there you have it, a bit of information about a vitamin that you probably have never thought about and the importance of it in our lives. For me, it was a wake up call, I never dreamed I would have a vitamin deficiency of any kind and certainly never thought I would end up in a hospital because of one.

I am now getting a shot every month and will take some supplements to build up my system. However, before you start to self medicate yourself and take any supplements, I truly recommend you call your primary physician to get a blood test, to see if you are deficient. A blood test is very inexpensive and will bring you up to date on how well your blood and you are doing.

Iron and Your Heart Health

A ranch house, a zip lock bag and some ordinary flour
Two experiments:
A magnet is passed over the bag and an extraordinary thing happens - Iron particles start popping out and attaching themselves to the side of the bag, forming clusters of what looked like iron filings.

The next experiment involves placing a well-known brand of cereal into a bowl of water. The magnet is again passed over the bowl this time and the flakes literally line up and follow the magnet round the bowl.

We’ve all been told that heart attacks and heart bypass surgery are as a direct result of clogging or furring of our arteries by ‘bad cholesterol’. The arteries become so narrowed as to make the blood flow through the arteries very difficult thus placing enormous strains on the cardio-vascular system.

A few trace metals that we absorb are toxic, these include iron and lead
Chelating substances attach to desirable trace metals and allow the body to properly utilize those metals they also attach to undesirable trace metals and allow the body to remove them.

Types of Chelator
Many chemicals can serve as chelators. There are some weak chelators present in common foods.
Stronger chelators are substances used medicinally to rid the body of excess toxic metals
Why is there potential for Iron Overload? Iron overload is possible because there is no normal mechanism for removing it from the body.
The body is iron-efficient, it retains its iron and recycles it over and over again.
The body's iron level is controlled almost entirely by absorption and iron can build up progressively as dietary intake increases, especially in men because they do not have a monthly blood loss.

Iron and Heart Disease Risk
Iron can generate free radical pathology.
Accumulation of excess iron in the body may increase the risk for heart disease and the connection doesn't end there....
Health statistics have revealed that women have a lower risk of heart disease than men, until menopause, after which the risk is the same.

Pre-menopausal women have a monthly blood loss that rids the body of excess, potentially toxic iron, which may protect against heart disease.
Even pre-menopausal women with high blood cholesterol levels and high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which are considered to be strong risk factors for heart disease, have less heart disease than men.

Lead is a toxic element that has many undesirable health effects.
Evidence links excess lead with cardiovascular disease, cancer and other disorders.
This led the researchers to test the effect of a lead-removing substance - EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid),a man-made amino acid and chelating agent - on cancer rates in people living near high-traffic roads.
After 18 years those treated with EDTA had one-tenth of the cancer rate of those not treated with EDTA.
(1) Chelation Therapy
This is the use of chelating agents, orally or by injection, in order to bind and remove harmful metals from the body.
The man-made chelating agent EDTA can remove most toxic metals.

Intravenous Chelation
This therapy has been used by doctors as an effective alternative to bypass surgery for atherosclerosis since the 1950s, giving hope that having hardening of the arteries need not lead to coronary bypass surgery, heart attack, stroke and numerous other related diseases.

Doctors noted reduced pain and blood cholesterol levels as well as other favorable changes. EDTA chelation therapy has been reported to help in many conditions now thought to be related to free radical pathology: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and others.

Another effect of EDTA is that it changes the calcium/ magnesium ratio in the body.
EDTA removes calcium more efficiently than magnesium which reduces the ratio.
Lowering the ratio improves the flexibility of blood cells, reduces the tendency of blood to clot and reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
In the case of intravenous chelation, EDTA is used as the chelating agent.

Oral Chelation
Oral EDTA therapy can also be used. - there are many so-called oral chelation supplements on the market containing few or no chelating substances!
For an oral chelation supplement that has been tested and certified to lower bad cholesterol by The University of Illinois, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition: Go to

1. Blumer,W, et al Environmental International 3: 1980, pages 465-471
New Answers to Old Questions, The Free Radical Story by Harry W Hersey

3 Best Ways to Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia
Did you know that Iron Deficiency Anemia affects about 20% of the world’s population?
1. Eat Foods that are Rich in Iron
The best food sources of iron are wholegrain cereals, pulses and legumes, and fish. The best plant sources are green leafy vegetables such as dry lotus stems, cauliflower greens, and turnip greens; fruits such as black currants, watermelons, raisins, and dried dates. However, irons from these foods are hard for the body to absorb. It is recommended that you eat animal products, which contain heme iron. Foods rich in vitamin C also increase iron absorption.

2. Cook Using Cast-Iron Cookwares
Did you know that cooking in cast-iron cookwares can add significant amounts of iron to your food and into your body? Acidic foods that have higher moisture content, such as applesauce and spaghetti sauce, absorb the most iron. In fact, for 100 grams of each (about 3.5oz.), the applesauce increased in iron content from 0.35mg to 7.3mg, and the spaghetti sauce jumped from 0.6mg to 5.7mg of iron.
Food cooked for longer periods of time absorbed more iron than food that was heated more quickly. Foods prepared with a newer iron skillet absorbed more iron than those cooked in an older one. Foods that were cooked and stirred more frequently absorbed greater amount of iron because they came into contact with the iron more often. Foods such as hamburger, corn tortillas, cornbread, and liver with onions won't absorb much iron due to the shorter cooking times.

This list was provided so you can have general idea of the difference in dietary iron content when cooking in a cast-iron pan:
Foods Tested (100g/3.5oz) = Iron content when raw = Iron content after cooking in iron skillet
- Applesauce, unsweetened = 0.35mg = 7.38mg
- Spaghetti sauce = 0.61 = 5.77
- Chili with meat and beans = 0.96 = 6.27
- Medium white sauce = 0.22 = 3.30
- Scrambled egg = 1.49 = 4.76
- Spaghetti sauce with meat = 0.71 = 3.58
- Beef vegetable stew = 0.66 = 3.4
- Fried egg = 1.92 = 3.48
- Spanish rice = 0.87 = 2.25
- Rice, white = 0.67 = 1.97
- Pan broiled bacon = 0.77 = 1.92
- Poached egg = 1.87 = 2.32
- Fried chicken = 0.88 = 1.89
- Pancakes = 0.63 = 1.31
- Pan fried green beans = 0.64 = 1.18
- Pan broiled hamburger = 1.49 = 2.29
- Fried potatoes = 0.42 = 0.8
- Fried corn tortillas = 0.86 = 1.23
- Pan-fried beef liver with onions = 3.1 = 3.87
- Baked cornbread = 0.67 = 0.86

3. Whole cow's milk contains as much iron per liter as breast milk, but only a very small proportion is actually absorbed into the body. However, the iron in breast milk is very well absorbed by babies. Bottom line: breast-feeding is the best way to prevent iron deficiency anemia in babies. If breast-feeding is not an option, or is stopped before 9-12 months, then iron-fortified formulas, which contain added iron, should be given to baby instead of whole cow's milk.
* Chronic blood loss, times of increased need such as pregnancy, and vigorous exercise can trigger iron deficiency.
* Don't take iron supplements unless advised by your doctor.
* There are two types of iron: heme iron (found in animal foods) and nonheme iron (found in plant foods). Combining foods that are high in heme iron with nonheme iron foods boosts the absorption power.

Liquid Nutrition - How Important is Bioavailability?

Americans have one of the "Worst health pictures in the world today", and are in the "Worst epidemic of chronic degenerative diseases that mankind has ever known!" World Health Organization We are led to believe that eating 3 meals a day consisting of the proper amounts of each of the 4 foods groups will give us 'good health' and 'long life'. Many of the foods we eat are lacking in vitamins and minerals. Some fruits and vegetables are cultivated using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and waste contaminants, in soil depleted of minerals.

Have you ever wondered about the signs above the vending machines at the zoo that warn you sternly not to feed this "food" to the animals because it will kill them? Even if we shop for organic food today in an effort to avoid the many chemicals used in American food processing, we still have to deal with the fact that some or much of our soil is depleted of minerals.
The US Senate Document #264 and the 1992 Earth Summit Report document an 85% mineral depletion of our farm and range soils, over the past 100 years in North America.

Americans need to supplement their diets with minerals to make up for this deficiency. Today farmers only add a tiny fraction of the minerals back to the soil (normally only 3). Our bodies are literally starving for nutrients. No wonder we're tired, irritable, and stressed out. When you look at our nation as a whole, you see a society that is getting sicker and sicker, fatter and fatter, more and more tired. It is important that you take a good liquid vitamin supplement.

Body Balance is rich in phytonutrients and free of pollution. People who hate pills, especially children and senior citizens, find that Via Viente is the best way to get quality nutrition on a daily basis.

COOKED FOOD: Healthy OR Not?
First, understand the Problem: Cooking kills enzymes. Enzymes are needed in EVERY bodily function.
In the early 1900s, Dr. Pottenger wanted to see what affect eating cooked foods had. One group he fed uncooked, raw foods, and the second group he fed only cooked foods. This was the outcome: Throughout the entire experiment, the raw food cats were strong, healthy and potent. The cooked food cats, however, did not fare so well. The first generation of the cooked foods cats lived a normal life, and developed diseases near the end of their lives. The second generation developed diseases during the middle of their lives. And the third generation was either born with diseases, or developed diseases shortly after birth. Those that grew to maturity were impotent, barren, or sterile. The experiment had to be ended because the cooked foods cats could not produce a forth generation!

You see, in the early 1900s, Americans ate a great deal of homegrown foods from their gardens. Much of it was raw and rich in nutritional value and life components. Today, we eat mostly cooked, highly processed foods. Until recently, the average family spent $1.74 a week on raw foods. Many Americans can't conceive, are infertile, or impotent. Miscarriages and emotional problems are on the rise. According to the World Health Organization, we have one of the "worst health pictures in the world today", and are in the "worst epidemic of chronic degenerative diseases that mankind has ever known!"

Our bodies are starving.
All of us need a good nutritional supplement program.

Liquid Vitamins Compared To Hard Vitamins
One of the greatest things about vitamins is that they can be taken in both pill and liquid form. Experts in nutrition consider liquid vitamins to be a remarkable breakthrough in the domain. The liquids are chewable tablets which are being absorbed quicker by the body. It is estimated that the absorption rate for liquid vitamins is almost total, being placed somewhere around 98% while the rate for the pill substitutes is around 10-20%. Actually, it is claimed that 90% of the nutrients contained in a tablet or pill vitamin go directly down the toilet. The second important reason for which liquid vitamins are better is the fact that they represent a real alternative for people who find vitamin pills disagreeable, difficult to swallow or digest. The market offers many types of vitamins in liquid form like Vitamin A, all B Vitamins, Vitamin C etc. or under the form of multi-vitamins. But liquid vitamins are also available combined with other nutrient which turns them into a multilateral source of nutrition.

From this point of view, the purpose of supplements providers is to create products which contain various nutrients combined in such a perfect way that can positively affect the functions of one’s body. The liquid vitamins offer includes Liquid Life, Liquid Logic and Oxygen products that will provide all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. The Liquid Life line of vitamins contains products as:
1. Liquid Life Joint Care with Collagen – This product is ideal to support ligament, tendon and joint functions. The C Vitamin contained by this liquid it is very important in the collagen forming process, the protein that gives structure to bones and cartilage. It is also an antioxidant vitamin.
2. Liquid Life Cherry Berry – This Liquid Life product may be one of the most complete nutritional products in the world. Just an ounce of Liquid Life Cherry Berry contains 17 vitamins and minerals, plus around 75% herbal minerals, all in 100% daily value.
3. Liquid Life Complete Nutrition – This is the ideal all-in-one nutritional supplement, strongly recommended to people who are active, and not only. A wide variety of disease are caused by mineral deficiency, so when it comes to providing minerals and vitamin supplementation to the body, Liquid Life Complete Nutrition has everything an average person needs: 75 Plant Derived Minerals, 13 Vitamins, 12 Herbs, up to 18 Amino Acids and Aloe Vera extract.
4. Liquid Life Night Time Diet – It offers additional support to a healthy diet without harming the metabolism through various stimulants. It contains Vitamins (C, B6, B5), Collagen, L-Glutamine etc. which supports the metabolic productivity and energy necessary for the body to repair damaged cells and tissue. Liquid Life Night Time Diet is also recommended in the process of weight loss, as it helps the organism metabolize fat and grow lean muscle instead.
5. Liquid Life Ultra Calcium – Calcium is one of the most important nutrients that the body needs in order to have healthy bones, teeth, nails and hair. This product is a cutting edge nutritional supplement that offers any person not only the daily calcium average she needs, but also nutrients that contribute to its efficient absorption and fastening. Liquid Life Ultra Calcium contains besides calcium: magnesium, zinc, boron, Vitamin D and others.
6. Liquid Life Male Vitality – This product is specifically designed to help a male’s anatomy function at its best. This revolutionary combination of vitamins helps men that have common problems of prostate pains, constipation or impotency, by offering their bodies nutrients like Carbohydrates, Vitamins (C, B6, B5), Pantothenic Acid etc.
7. Liquid Life Ultra Joint Care – Taking into account that arthritis is a wide spread illness which manifests itself in the inflammation of one or more joints, this product is highly recommended among people of all ages and sexes. Liquid Life Ultra Joint Care contains Glucosamine and Chondroitin, two elements which are essential for the construction of GAG’s (glycosaminoglycans) in articular cartilage.
8. Liquid Logic Products– Liquid Logic is one of the most complete in expensive nutritional components products on the market. Besides its low-cost quality, Liquid Logic is a truly unique dietary supplement which any family should use everyday. It contains 77 Minerals, 13 Vitamins, 12 Herbs and 18 Amino Acids and is available in four delicious flavors: Banana Coconut, Peach Supreme (so tasty!), Hawaiian Mango and Pineapple Colada.
9. Oxygen – The Oxygen products provide a person’s diet with specific amounts of oxygen and a large number of other ingredients along with the well-known healing plant Aloe Vera. Oxygen is used as a stabilizer and as a natural preservative of all the ingredients this product contains. Oxygen comes in four flavors: Cherry Berry, Lemon Lime, Cranapple and Plain.

To conclude, using liquid vitamins as supplements for any diet will change a person’s views on nutrition. Advantages as fast absorption period, easy consuming, not to mention a low price make out of liquid vitamins a convenient solution for a healthy life.

Enzyme Supplements for Digestion and Health

Enzymes are the workers in your body that help digest your food, regulate your organ function, fight viruses and bacteria and repair cellular damage.
In an interview with enzyme expert Dr. Edward Howell in his book Enzyme Nutrition, he describes the effects of depleting your body’s enzyme bank as, " of the paramount causes of premature aging and early death. Dr. Howell continues, "To begin with, if the body is overburdened [in supplying] enzymes to the saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice and intestinal juice, then it must curtail the production of enzymes for other purposes. According to Dr. Howell, "This ‘stealing’ of enzymes from other parts of the body to service the digestive tract sets up a competition for enzymes among the various organ systems and tissues of the body. The resulting metabolic dislocations may be the direct cause of cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and many other chronic incurable disease."

Enzymes are the workers in your body that help digest your food, regulate your organ function, fight viruses and bacteria and repair cellular damage. And when you research the most highly regarded digestive enzyme and probiotic (friendly intestinal bacteria) formulators in the world, Michael O’Brien always ranks at the top of the list.
Your body is not designed to deplete its own enzyme stores to digest your food. In a perfect world, the food contains most of the enzymes necessary for digestion. Unfortunately, due to processing, cooking, contamination, etc. most of the enzymes in food are destroyed. So your body is forced to pull enzymes from other areas, like your organs, to promote digestion.
The longer it takes for an enzyme to breakdown the nutrients in your food, the more enzymes will be pulled away from other metabolic functions in your system.
That's why it makes sense to upgrade your diet to include plenty of raw fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts and grains. And supplement with vibrant, electrically active enzyme supplements like our favorite here: enzyme supplement

Three Top Herbs Used in Menopause
In many industrialized countries, menopause can be a time of great discomfort and stress. The symptoms American women may experience include hot flashes, mood swings, irregular bleeding, memory problems, decreased sexual interest and other changes that effect the enjoyment of sex. Although dietary habits and amount of activity a woman engages in can decrease many of these problems, genetics and previous health can also play a role in how severe the symptoms can be for a woman.

Multiple studies today indicate that taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may not be as safe as previously believed. As just one example, in July, 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative Study published results that demonstrated that the risks of HRT outweighed the benefits. Now more and more women entering menopause are considering ‘natural’ solutions to resolving uncomfortable symptoms of this life transition.

There are three particular herbs of interest when entering menopause. They include Black Cohosh, Chaste Tree Berry and Red Clover.

Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is also known as Black Snakeroot, Bugwort, Rattleweed, Snakeroot, among other names. Black Cohosh was first used medicinally by Native Americans who introduced it to European colonists. Do not confuse black Cohosh with two unrelated plants, Blue Cohosh and White Cohosh.
Black Cohosh is one of the most popular herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms. Overall, the research supports that using Black Cohosh can help reduce menopause-related hot flashes. The research is a bit mixed on exactly how Black Cohosh works and if it has estrogen-like activity. Some research does show that in any estrogen-like activity, this activity does not pertain to the reproductive organs, such as breast, endometrium, and ovaries. A big question for women going into menopause is whether this is a safe herb for women with a history of cancer; the research generally says it is. However, for all women, this herb should not be taken for unlimited amounts of time.
There are also concerns of liver toxicity with the use of Black Cohosh. Until more is known, anyone who wishes to take Black Cohosh should consult their health practitioner and monitor their liver function to be on the safe side. It would also be wise to avoid taking it along with other herbs that may increase the risk of liver damage, which include androstenedione, chaparral, comfrey, DHEA, germander, kava, niacin, pennyroyal oil, red yeast, and others.
Remifemin, a branded black Cohosh product, has been used in Germany since the mid-1950s to manage menopause. All herbs do have various interactions with other substances.

Chaste Tree Berry
Chaste Tree Berry is also known as Vitex, Chinese Vitex, Hemp Tree, and Mang Jing Zi, among others. An interesting bit of history is that historians say that monks chewed Chaste Tree parts to make it easier to maintain their celibacy.
This herb has been most often recommended for relieving symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as bloating, headaches and cramping. The therapeutic effects of Chaste Tree Berry have primarily been attributed to its indirect effects on various neurotransmitters and hormones. It seems to increase levels of progesterone and decrease levels of estrogen. Theoretically, Chaste Tree Berry might interfere with the action of dopamine antagonists such as antipsychotic drugs due to dopaminergic effects of Chaste Tree Berry. It is believed that this herb could interfere with any hormone-related medications. Consequently, if you are taking any medications or have a history of any medical conditions, speak to your health professional before starting this herb.
This is an herb that is not recommended for women with a history of any hormone-related cancers.

Red Clover
Other names for Red Clover include Genistein, Meadow Clover, Purple Clover, Trifolium, among others. Do not confuse Red Clover with Sweet Clover, Soy or Liverwort, however.
As a food, Red Clover is considered safe. Medicinally, there have only been four studies on Red Clover for menopause and three of these showed no benefit. Research has considered a possible blood cholesterol-lowering affect, decreasing prostrate size, and perhaps a positive effect on cancer, but research has not definitively supported any of these benefits, yet.
There is some evidence that red clover isoflavones can inhibit oxidative and conjugative metabolism. The list of possible drug and herbal interactions is so large that the best recommendation is to never consider this herb without a long discussion with your doctor, or avoid this herb completely.

This is an herb that appears to be safest when eaten as opposed to taken as a nutrition supplement. Although it could be safe for healthy persons with no medical history or on medications or other herbs, it does not appear to relieve any menopause symptoms. It also is an herb recommended to be avoided by any woman with a history of cancer.
We have just reviewed three popular herbs taken to relieve menopause symptoms. Chaste Tree Berry has been shown to be most effective for PMS and should not be taken by women with a history of breast cancer. Red Clover appears to be something safer to eat than take as a supplement and should be avoided by women with a history of cancer, as well as people on any other medication or herbal product. Women pass through this stage of life without notice. If you currently suffer from symptoms of menopause, there are several things that you should evaluate. Your intake of saturated fat, animal products and refined foods, Your alcohol intake and smoking habits,Regular exercise habits. Each of these factors plays a large role in not only your health but how you experience the journey through menopause.

How to Choose the Right Protein Powder For Bodybuilding

When you walk into a supplement store or browse through a supplement website... there are thousands of competing brands of protein powder. First of all, know this... there are different kinds of protein powders. The main ingredient can be whey, milk, egg or even soy.

You have your whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, hydrolyzed whey, calcium caseinate, egg white, whole egg and on and on. The next obvious question about protein powders is what EXACTLY is the benefits you can get from all these different, somewhat unpronounceable forms of protein?

Let's start off with Whey protein powder. It is comprised of twenty percent of the total milk protein. a by-product of cheese manufactured from cow's milk. It has lots of amino acids and is easy for your body to digest.

The next protein that I want to talk about is the Casein protein which makes up about eighty percent of the total milk protein. It too has an excellent amino acid profile, just like the whey protein but it takes longer for your body to digest. In short, during your workout and right afterwards, casein protein is not a good idea because your body needs extra protein NOW... not later. You need a protein that can be absorbed faster by your body...

I'm not a big fan of soy based proteins. I would suggest that you choose another source of protein and stay away from soy powders.
There is another source of protein powders that is a blend. Usually it is a combination of the whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, egg protein, casein protein and sometimes soy protein. My experience from the supplement stores is that most of the whey protein powders are mostly made of whey concentrate mixed with a small portion of whey isolate. You see, whey isolate is more pure and higher quality source of protein than the whey concentrated. Also, whey isolate has less fat.

So the supplement manufacturers mix them together to get a better source of protein and less fat than if they just sold their brand as whey concentrate.
Now, whey isolate gives you the highest yield of protein that you can get from milk. Since Whey protein is quickly absorbed by your body, use this source before you workout, right after you workout (up to 6 hours) or when you wake up from a night's sleep because your body needs protein NOW.

The slower digested proteins, casein protein would be good to ingest anytime of the day except the times above for the whey protein. Your body isn't in a rush and having a constant supply of protein is good for maintaining your muscles.

If you have to use a blend of proteins which has both, whey protein and casein protein -- use this cheaper version of protein powder 6 hours after you finish working out.
Protein powders can also be used as a meal replacement drinks but keep in mind that your body wasn't designed to drink it's meals. Try to focus on good nutrition and eat good quality protein meats, good carbs and good fats several times a day. Combining both the protein shakes plus eating a full spectrum of good quality foods would be the best way to support your muscle growth.

I don't like ingesting artificial sweeteners. And a lot of protein powders have them in their list of ingredients. For some of you, artificial sweeteners may have adverse affect on your body such as headaches and painful jaws. If this is you, you would best be served to look a little harder because some of the bigger supplement suppliers on the Internet carries brands of protein powder without the artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners. There is very little price difference. Now grow some muscles...

Organic Whey Protein Powder For Better Nutrition
Organic is a huge trend that is sweeping the nation. Organic foods are known to taste better, be healthier to consume, and is safe for the environment. Organic whey protein has the same benefits as regular whey versions of this powder, but it has a few more benefits that others don't have. Whey protein is a wonderful tool in muscle growth and weight loss and is essential for growing muscle. It also improves brain function, fights serious illness, and boosts the immune system. Two of the serious illnesses that organic whey protein is associated with fighting are AIDS and cancer. Some proteins may cause discomfort after consuming. Organic whey protein powder is easy on your digestive system. You will not feel bloating or tiredness after using this type of supplement. The reason being is that this type of protein is easily and rapidly absorbed into your body.

Since organic is so good for the human body, is the cost outrageous? Dairy farmers are most likely delighted, but as a consumer we could be in trouble. The demand for dairy is going up. The world is associating dairy with weight loss. Organic does usually cost more than regular foods. More and more people are desiring to eat organic than fast food, processed food, or other types of food.

Are there other organic whey protein products available? You can purchase whey protein shakes, bars, and powder. Different flavors are available as well as multiple sized containers. The whey protein industry is always making changes to better suit the needs of its customers. Your local health food store should carry multiple organic products if it is something you wish to get involved in. Also note that there are other proteins available besides whey. You could check into soy, rice, or hemp proteins. Soy, rice, and hemp might suit a person with lactose intolerance better than whey.

Please remember to always check with your doctor before you being any new diet or add any extra protein to your diet. Although whey has a lot of nutrition you might already be consuming enough protein in your regular diet. In some cases too much protein can be dangerous to a person's health. If at anytime you feel as if you are having an allergic reaction to organic whey protein, stop use immediately and contact your doctor.

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