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Hair Loss Women Vitamin Deficiency

Sunday, November 15, 2009 5:44:00 AM Posted by Food Supplement

By Tracy Ballisager

Being a woman with hair loss can be devastating. Women feel more embarrassed than men usually do. Hair Loss is a very major and growing concern in today's world, and usually appears more during the childbearing years and also by aging. Stress is another major cause . There are about 100 hairs that fall out of a persons head everyday, in order for another one to take its place. This happens when the hair doesn't grow back the way it should and its usually caused by a loss of certain vitamins, iron, and hormones in the body. Hormone imbalances are also responsible for female hair loss. There is a very wide array of other illnesses that can cause women to lose their hair but the ones mention here are the most common.

Vitamins and minerals are at the very top of the list. Fatty acids in your scalp result in a dry scalp . Shampooing your hair regularly with shampoos that are used especially to prevent dry scalp can reduce these fatty acids. Some brands of shampoos have special vitamins in the ingredients for healthy hair. Women with long hair, past the bottom of the shoulder, are at more risk than women with shorter hair.There are some natural vitamins for promoting hair growth on the market. Biotin is a vitamin in the B family and is essential in the proper growth of hair. Taking two tablets a day about 5000-8000 mg would ensure enough effective results that you should begin to see in just a few weeks. Other vitamins that women should take for healthy hair is saw palmetto which is made from natural ingredients that help rebuild the levels of testosterone, which is the primary hormone in females responsible for healthy hair growth.

A loss in manganese and iron, which are also vitamins for promoting growth. Iron minerals are found mostly in the blood stream more than any place else in the body. It is another main vitamin that helps promotes hair growth.Losing a certain amount of hair is lost everyday which is normal. Losing 50 to 100 strands a day wouldn't be cause to rush down and check with your doctor. But if you notice excessive or hair thinning it is time to seek outside help. Regardless of the age when it begins, and the longer you wait to seek treatment the more permanent the it will become. Fortunately, hair loss in women doesn't result in complete baldness as it does in men. Women may only experience small round patches. Treating and diagnosing female hair loss isn't as simple and straight forward as male pattern baldness.

However, many physicians agree that women should begin to start a hair growth program as soon as possible. Like men's, there are usually several underlying causes. There is good news. Most of the hair loss in women can be completely reversed, however, the idea if diagnosing and treating it will involve a responsible and informed doctor, and a series of tests to rule out the causes. Research studies indicate that a cure is less than ten years away, and with all the new discoveries in medicine and the release of certain medicines from the AFDC, a cure might even come sooner

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