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Which Vitamin Supplement is Best for You?

Saturday, January 23, 2010 3:32:00 PM Posted by Food Supplement

By Mario SK Churchill

When you're young and healthy, you probably don't need a lot of vitamin supplements to ensure you get the complete nutrition required to keep your body healthy. But as you get older and your body changes, so will your needs. If you don’t meet the required vitamin dose you need, your body will use up its store and you'll end up experiencing the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin deficiency can cause a lot of trouble so why wait until it happens to you? They can range from mild to annoying and can easily turn serious if uncorrected in time. If you want to know what vitamin supplement is best for you, find out what deficiencies you want to avoid and which you want to correct.

What's your deficiency?

If your body is not working as well as it did before, there's a big chance you have some form of vitamin deficiency. Here is a list of vitamins and the deficiencies they prevent or help correct:

Vitamin A

Problems with the eyes and eyesight such as macular degeneration, dry and hard eyeballs, retinal detachment, conjunctivitis and color-blindness. Vitamin A is also good for treating acne, jaundice, skin infections like cold sores, impetigo and boils, warts, skin cancer and scleroderma.

Vitamin C

Cataracts, dim vision, glaucoma and myopia. Vitamin C is also effective against acne, Addison's disease, stress, dry skin, bed sores, jaundice, gangrene, skin itching, prickly heat, rashes, hematoma, wrinkles and shingles.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is indicated for people who are at risk of bone diseases and degeneration such as osteoporosis. Vitamin D is usually found in sunlight and a deficiency may occur due to limited exposure. This vitamin is usually taken with Vitamin C for maximum absorption.

Vitamin E

A very effective antioxidant like Vitamin A, Vitamin E is also used to treat and prevent blisters, bed sores, hot flushes, scar tissue, stretch marks, wrinkles and aging skin.

Vitamin B group

This group of vitamins is sometimes referred to as Vitamin B-complex, composed of 8 B vitamins including B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, B12, biotin, folic acid and pantothenic acid. The vitamins in the B group, whether alone or in combination are effective against wounds, cataracts, glaucoma, retinitis, night blindness, photophobia, Addison's disease, skin ulcers, eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, pale skin, rosacea, dandruff, graying hair and other problems with the skin and nails.
Certain vitamin groups, such as antioxidants like A, E, D and K, are important for preventing free radicals from affecting body cells. Antioxidants effectively maintain the health of cells to prevent damage.

These antioxidants are also fat-soluble vitamins. They are absorbed by the body along with fat sourced from other foods. The vitamin-rich fat is then broken down by the bile and used by the body. If you take too much, the excess vitamins are stored in your liver and kidneys.

Water-soluble vitamins like Vitamins C and B, on the other hand, are easily absorbed. If you take more than your body needs, these vitamins are simply excreted through urine.

The danger of too much of a good thing

You don’t have to worry about overdosing on water-soluble vitamins because your body knows how to take care of them. It is the fat-soluble type that you should be careful with. Vitamins A, E and D are toxic in high doses for long periods while too much Vitamin K can increase the risk of hemorrhage. If you must use a vitamin supplement, the best thing for you to do is to keep within the recommended daily allowance.

1 Response to "Which Vitamin Supplement is Best for You?"

  1. Unknown Says:

    Many thanks for sharing this useful article. I agree with you as we get older and our body changes, we need vitamin supplements.

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