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Whole Food Supplements - Better Than Dietary Supplements

Monday, November 7, 2011 11:40:00 PM Posted by Food Supplement

By Jesse L Moore

One of the under stated risks about using any dietary supplement is that, by taking it, the temptation is no longer be concerned about your overall diet because you have "fixed" it by taking a supplement.

In fact, frequently our dietary choices actually become worse precisely because we are taking a supplement!

This belief is erroneous because the producers of supplement do not intend them to be food substitutes simply because they do not contain all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in whole foods.

Further, there is some emerging science that suggests our bodies do not absorb nutrients from supplements nearly as well as it does when those same nutrients come from whole food.

Briefly, there are three general benefits the body gets when you feed it whole foods:

* Nutrients that Protect the System: Whole foods such as vegetables and fruits provide phytochemicals which are naturally occurring compounds like beta-carotene that are found naturally in many plants and evidence suggests help protect from some cancers and high blood pressure.
* More Sources of Nutrition:Whole foods are much more complex than are supplements and add a great deal more nutritional vitamins and minerals to the body
* Fiber:Fiber is critical to any diet to help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes

All of this suggests strongly that eating a balanced, healthy diet with a variety of foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, and whole grains you, most likely, do not need to add any dietary supplements.

On the other hand if, for whatever reason, it is not possible for you to eat enough whole foods in your daily meals than a supplement may very well be right for you.

If you are going to add a supplement to your diet, it makes sense to add one that is a raw, whole food itself and so will be readily absorbed by the body. And it would be even better if that supplement can deliver a wide range of nutrients.

The very best whole food dietary supplement available is Mila Chia Seed from LifeMax. Mila has been classified as a raw, whole food by the FDA and delivers a great many vitamins and nutrients including Omega-3 fatty acids, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Dietary Fiber, and others. Mila chia is the best of the cholesterol lowering foods.

Visit Mila Healthy and discover the rest of the story behind this amazing whole food supplement

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