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Whole Food Supplementation For a Natural Eczema Cure

Monday, August 8, 2011 3:08:00 AM Posted by Food Supplement

By Teresa M. Shaw

No matter how healthy we may think we are eating, we are probably still not getting the vital nutrients needed so that we may heal or maintain health. Adding a whole food supplement to our diet is an important factor for a natural eczema cure. This will ensure our nutrient intake is at optimal levels.

Ideally, it would be grand to be able to eat perfect nutrient-rich and toxin-free food. This would be food that was grown in pristine settings where the soils are high in natural minerals, no pesticides, herbicides or chemically derived fertilizers are utilized, no pollutants in the atmosphere and no contaminated water to be absorbed. But, back to the world as we know it, our foods of today are grown with quantity instead of quality in mind. So, even though we have good intentions of trying to eat as best we can, our conventional food still is greatly lacking for which our body hungers and needs to sustain life in our greatly toxic world.

Prevalent foods of today are convenient, prepackaged and highly processed lacking the basic nutrients needed. Our ancestors in the past have consumed much healthier food, allotting to less diseases. Today, diseases are on the up rise and that includes eczema! Consequently, this is happening because we cannot fend off disease and promote healing because we are so undernourished!

If you have been an avid researcher on vitamins and nutrients that may help in a natural eczema cure, you have probably stumbled across the idea to supplement with certain nutrients such as the antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E and zinc. However, most of the commercial supplements that are most available to us are artificially manufactured. This process concedes to nutrient uptake reduction and also includes more chemical toxins that we should be trying to avoid. What we do need is to get these and other nutrients in a whole food form.

Whole food supplements are concentrated compounds of food that our bodies recognize as being real food. The body is a complex marvel and knows how to assimilate real food to produce energy and to help with its natural functions. Isolated, lab-produced vitamins (or even supplements that claim to be all natural but are, in fact, still just extracts of food nutrients) have the tendency to be considered foreign to the body. So, the body actually tries to eliminate them instead of utilizing them. The minerals in these synthetic supplements are usually sourced from rock. The body does not digest these very well at all, either. Only minerals from plants are recognized and absorbed. Not only does a whole food supplement offer easily absorbed nutrients, they supply the body with extra nutrition not found in synthetic, lab-produced supplements because it is processed out. For example, whole food supplements supply various bio-active chemical compounds found in plants, alkaloids, live enzymes, absorb-able micro-minerals and much more as opposed to their synthetic counterparts that have insufficient levels of these or none at all.

In choosing a high quality whole food supplement, make sure they have the Good Manufacturing Practices stamp, which ensures safety. You may also want to look at a few other factors, including:

* Utilization of the flash-freeze dried method or other cold processing

* Sourced from wild-crafted and/or organic plants

* Includes Essential Fatty Acids, good bacteria for gut health, a large variety of greens, sea veggies and especially all ingredients must be listed as food!

We really need to divert our concerns from worrying about what is triggering our eczema outbreaks and start concentrating on what we need to give to our bodies so that they can function naturally to fix what is broken. Let our bodies do what they are designed to do, such as self-healing all of our health conditions -- eczema being one of them. Adding a good quality whole food supplement daily will ensure sufficient nutrition to aid in the process of a natural eczema cure.

Teresa Shaw is a Massage Therapist, an Internet Marketer and also a student of holistic and natural health. Her passions and hobbies include organic gardening, swimming, dogs, family and the beach.

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