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Food Supplements and Your Health

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 3:23:00 AM Posted by Food Supplement

By Remy Vixamar

Despite multiple researches on the importance of nutritional supplements on health, some people still raise question "it is necessary to take nutritional supplements to balance my diet?" The answer is direct and simple, yes; along with your diet, you need food supplements for your body to have enough nutrients it needs to function properly. In addition, you need to consume daily a variety of fruits and cruciferous vegetables (steam cooked is recommended).

Why you need to take food supplements?

Whether you are rich or poor, living in a developing or developed country, it is difficult to intake the amount of nutrients needed from a regular meal. Even healthy eaters cannot get the daily amount of vitamins and minerals recommended. The reason of this malnutrition can be either a lack of time or lack of knowledge about nutrition. The small minority who know how and what to eat do not have enough time to do so; they find it hard to sit down to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. A multi vitamin supplement is a better way to balance your diet.

Vitamins are nutrients essential for proper functioning of your body; a deficiency can lead to serious health problems. For example, B12 reduces the chance of pernicious anemia; Folic acid participates in the formation of cells and prevention of cardiovascular disease by eliminating extra homocysteine in your body. In addition, Folic Acid reduces the risk of birth defect in pregnant women. It is recommended to take a food supplement especially if you:

o Are constantly subjected to stress and fatigue,
o Do not eat a well balanced diet
o Live in a large metropolitan and are exposed to toxins daily
o Skip meal all the time
o Are exposed to poor quality air
o Are a smoker
o Are a heavy alcohol consumer
o Suffer from frequent colds and flu
o live in a tobacco smoke environment
o burn a lot of energy or workout vigorously
o Excessive amount of caffeinated drinks,
o Have a family history of cardiovascular disease or cancer;

The need of your body in vitamins and certain minerals are constant. To stay or become healthy, you need a sufficient and regular supply of vitamins and minerals to supplement your foods. Increase in your diet vitamin C and B complex (B1, B2, B3, ..), minerals (zinc, ... , etc..), essential fatty acids (EFAs), especially Omega3.

Although these symptoms may vary from one person to another, deficiency in vitamins and minerals can cause serious abnormalities such as fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating and irritability, disturbed sleep, hair loss, heart palpitations / arrhythmia's, skin disorders, teeth and gum problems, and much more.

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