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ADHD Diet - Food Supplements

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:46:00 PM Posted by Food Supplement

By Dr. Yannick Pauli

The refining and processing done on most foods today results in food items that are almost completely devoid of all the nutrients and vitamins they are supposed to contain. By the time a food product makes its way to a supermarket shelf, it contains only a small fraction of its nutritional benefits. Although fresh foods and organic produce are still easily available, our fast-paced lifestyles make it difficult for us to spare time to create meals from scratch using all-natural ingredients. The instant, pre-cooked varieties available in supermarkets may be a godsend, but they also contain lots of chemical additives that outweigh their nutritional benefits. Even worse than microwave dinners are fast food meals from places like McDonald's, which contain more sodium and oil than any vitamins or nutrients.

Knowing all this, it's hardly surprising that children today experience nutrient deficiencies that lead to neurological problems like ADHD. Fortunately, many ADHD experts and nutritionists now recognize the link between proper nutrition and a holistic treatment for the disorder. Although there are many different diets recommended for ADHD children, they all share the same basic principles: remove all harmful foods that cause food intolerances and unwanted reactions, cleanse the body of digestive by-products or toxins, and correct whatever nutrient deficiencies may be there. The latter part usually involves replenishing the lost nutrients with the following food supplements.

Omega-3 fish oil supplements

You'd be hard-pressed to find a child who prefers green leafy vegetables and deep-sea fish to French fries and a burger. That's quite a shame, because the latter contain hardly any nutritional value, whereas the former are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of the brain structure and assist the nervous system with higher intellectual functions like memory and reasoning. Studies show that most children with ADHD also have deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids, and many researchers have been successful in treating the disorder with omega-3 fish oil supplements. Look for fish oil supplements with a high EPA-to-DHA ratio, as these are known to be the most effective among children with ADHD.

Magnesium and calcium

Magnesium and calcium are needed by literally hundreds of chemical processes in the nervous system and body. For example, calcium stimulates the production of neurotransmitters, and magnesium stabilizes energy levels. A deficiency in these two nutrients is also common among children with ADHD. There are many studies that show how magnesium and calcium supplements lead to improved concentration and overall behavior.


An iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency around the world, and can account for a number of chronic health problems. Besides promoting the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine and regulating its release, iron also has the ability to neutralize any lead found in the body. Among the numerous harmful effects of lead is its capacity to inhibit the production of dopamine and interfere with the work of dopamine receptors. Iron counteracts this by providing a clear passageway for nutrients to the brain and guiding the transmissions among brain signals. Make sure a nutritionist tests for an iron deficiency in your child before giving any iron supplements; in high doses, iron can actually be toxic to the body.

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