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Cinnamon - Not Only an Ancient and Popular Spice, But a Healthful Ingredient in Food Supplements

Sunday, October 30, 2011 11:24:00 PM Posted by Food Supplement

By Greg DeHart

Cinnamon is as spice that is inexpensive, safe, and with proven health benefits, it is well known to be one of the world's oldest spices. It has a flavorful warm aroma that makes it a inviting ingredient to add to food. In times past, cinnamon was seen as an expensive luxury that was used as an aphrodisiac, and as it was more expensive to buy than silver, it has even been used as a currency.

Cinnamon's amazing taste and aroma have made it very popular for cooking. Warm breads, cookies, pies and cakes are flavored with one of the oldest known spices-cinnamon. Not only does this favorite spice add mouthwatering taste, cinnamon also adds a healthy punch to foods. Cinnamon has been used by many physicians to treat colds, sore throats and coughing.

The practice of burning Cinnamon in one's household has been thought to cleanse the air and the people within. The ancient Roman Emperor Nero took this very literally, and after he had his wife killed, he ordered a year's supply of cinnamon to be burnt to cleanse him of the crime. While it is this author's opinion that only the application by faith of the blood of Jesus can cleanse the soul of man from sin, modern research has found that this most ancient of spices is generally very good for the health of your body.

Cinnamon is a anti-microbial and can stop the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeast. It is active against the fungus that causes Candida Albicans, the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. A study in the International Journal of Food Microbiology found that a few drops of cinnamon essential oil added to carrot broth were able to preserve it and fight pathogens.

Cinnamon's beneficial effects are far-reaching. One study shows that just smelling cinnamon or chewing cinnamon-flavored gum enhances brain processing and function, from memory to visual-motor speed, to recognition, to attention and focus. Cinnamon has anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce clumping of blood platelets. Of all the spices cinnamon is one of the richest of antioxidants. Other research shows cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels and relieve arthritis pain.

In a study published in the medical journal Diabetes Care, people with Type 2 diabetes took cinnamon every day in varying amounts ranging from one-fourth teaspoon to 1 teaspoon. After 40 days, all the subjects had reduced their fasting blood glucose by 18 to 29 percent; triglycerides by 23 to 30 percent; LDL cholesterol by 7 to 27 percent; and total cholesterol by 12 to 26 percent. In addition, cinnamon is an excellent source of manganese, fiber, iron, calcium and other minerals. This is very amazing for such a fantastic tasting spice, isn't it?

As with any food or spice, the fresher the cinnamon the better. So your five-year old container of cinnamon may not hold the same potency. Buy fresh, organic if possible, cinnamon sticks or the freshest ground cinnamon available. If you have ever looked at cinnamon available in bulk you have probably noticed that one kind is a dark brown while the other is a tan color. The two kinds of cinnamon are from different plants. Cinnamomum Cassia, used in curry powder and in Chinese and Korean dishes is dark brown. The other variety is Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, and is light brown or tan in color.

The kind of cinnamon that has been tested in clinic trials is Cinnamomum Cassia, which is the dark brown. Chinese, Aruyvedic, and Unani medicine have used the darker form of cinnamon as a remedy for diabetes and digestive complaints for centuries. In keeping with these ancient Chinese medicines see to it that your food supplement product is comprised of a wide variation of proven beneficial nutrients which will include cinnamon.

Hello, my name is Greg DeHart. After becoming crippled by a disease, nearly to the point of walking only with a walker I was shown the Reliv Nutritional Products, the which I can honestly say are/have given me my life back. Before this I had used various prescription medicines, what I thought was "very food supplement known to mankind", numerous "home and folk remedies", and a very stringent diet, but all to no available. I was becoming more and more debilitated until the Reliv Nutritional Products were shown to me. For more information about Reliv Products or to contact me please visit:

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